Wann? 21.6. 2021 um 16:00
Wo? Digital
Peter Loisel, fachlicher Leiter der IFA, gibt einen exklusiven Einblick in das Programm der IFA 2021 und als zusätzliches Highlight geben Dr. Jerome Haegeli, Group Chief Economist of Swiss Re und Irina Fan, Head Insurance Market Analysis of Swiss Re einen Volkswirtschaftlichen Ausblick mit den Implikationen für die Versicherungsbranche.
The latest business sentiment indicators show a high degree of optimism as economies formalise their reopening schedules. Inflationary indicators are picking up. The reopening of economies globally will add fuel to inflation risks. What will be the policy response? What does this economic backdrop mean for the insurance industry?
Jerome Haegeli, Group Chief Economist of Swiss Re
Irina Fan, Head Insurance Market Analysis of Swiss Re
Peter Loisel, CEO, SCIRA & fachlicher Leiter der IFA